The Organisation Chart Item Legend

The Organisation Chart Item Legend provides a quick method by which you can highlight, display or add a hint to positions in the chart. You can preview the options selected as you go by looking at the sample view in the right hand pane. Selection options available in the legend include:

  • Position allows you to nominate which positions you want to display in the organisation chart. The options include:
    • Highlight Vacant Position:Tick this box to highlight vacant positions in yellow, that is, those positions which do not have any incumbents.
    • Highlight Ceased Positions: Ticking this box will highlight ceased positions in blue, that is, those positions which have been marked as redundant.
    • Hide Ceased Positions: Tick this box to hide ceased positions on the chart, that is, those positions which have been marked as redundant.
  • Display allows you to select your preferred print options for the printing of the position description, position identifier, employing company and incumbent name.
  • Hint allows you to select your preferred hint options when viewing the organisation chart.


The Selector will also allow you to use different colours to visually highlight certain options. Click on the coloured block next to the option to view the colour palette and make your choice.